Friday, May 24, 2013

Hardware Gone Awesome

This DIY has to be my absolute favorite...seriously. I wear these gems almost everyday and the best part about it, its so easy to make. Check out my latest mirror mirror segment via the link below.


Hinge Bracelet 

  • cut two three-inch pieces of chains possibly shorter if you have thinner wrist. lucky you. :)
  • attach the end of chain to the side of one hinge using one jump ring and attach the other end of that chain to the other side of hinge. Repeat on other side.
  • in the center of the chain on one side, attach a jump ring to the center link, repeat on other side.
  • on one end attach your clasp to the jump ring.
  • now you are ready to clasp and go. 

Chevron L-bracket Necklace

  • grab your brackets and determine length of chain between both. make sure they are the exact same in length on both sides so it doesn't go lopsided on you. 
  • connecting the brackets to chain using jump rings.
  • attach a jump ring to the end of the chain and attach the top bracket, repeat on other side.
  • cut chain at the center and attach a jump ring to each cut side of the chain.
  • attach a clasp to one of the sides and you're done and doner!

For less than 5 bucks and in 5 minutes to make, I call that a totally win! 


Ps i would love to hear your feedback! xo

Friday, May 3, 2013

Leather Love and Polka Dot DIY

You know that old sweater you're yawning over or how about those also pants that are looking rather dull??? are you thinking of throwing them out well hold your horses and check out link below to resuscitate your dead wardrobe back to life back to reality! 

Click on the link below for my latest Mirror Mirror segment, we'll repurpose and spruce up those almost Salvation Army worthy pieces.


Leather it up! 

What you're going to bring to the Leather DIY party:

  • An old cardigan or t-shirt
  • Faux leather fabric for the cheap route, real leather if you bringing your big guns. If you get an eighth of a yard on sale its like a buck and you only use a wee cheap.
  • Scissors
  • Thick Needle (i love working with thick needles because the eye of it is so easy to thread)
  • Upholstery Thread- you can either match thread to the fabric or use some funky cool colored thread to add interesting detail.
garment in need of love

supplies: faux leather, thread, large needle and scissors

you don't have to stick to threads that match the leather, branch out with color to add funk and interesting detail

How to:
  • Cut the appropriate size and shape of leather depending on what you are going to leather up. ie elbow patches, shoulder patches, pocket squares, ect.
  • Thread your needle and tie a knot in the end.
  • Start sewing your fabric onto your old clothing piece. Start on the inside of the clothing item. If you are covering a pocket work in a U shape.
  • After you're finished sewing, tie off the thread on the inside of the garment.
stitching doesn't have to perfect its like a monet, up close its a mess but from a distance its beautiful

finished look is too cute

Do the Polka!

What you're going to bring to the Polka dot DIY party:
  • Old pair of pants in any color, shape or size. (or another article of clothing)
  • Fabric "Paint" Pens 
  • Ruler
supplies: old pants, ruler and a fabric paint pen

this is what the pens and paint look're welcome. 

How to:
  • Lay your pants or clothing item on a flat surface and smooth out the wrinkles.
  • Lay your ruler across the garment where you'd like your dots to be. 
  • Make dots an inch apart all the way across, this is going to be your starter line that you will use to make the dots consistent throughout the garment.
  • Move the yard stick down about an inch and make dots and inch apart again, BUT this time make sure the new dots are IN BETWEEN the dot you just made. Its super duper simple. You got this!
  • Finish the front and let it dry and then do the same steps to the back side.
    finished look i've seen everywhere...the gap, khols, nordstrom oh yeah
Now aren't you glad you did give the ole heave ho to those dulled down pieces? I mean you wouldn't have gotten the chance to work that leather & polka dance those pants off!

Happy DIYing.
